Friday, 28 September 2012

Portrait Retouching for Beginners in Photoshop

This tutorial shows a couple of simple techniques you can use to enhance your portraits. I will focus on retouching the skin, the eyes, and the teeth (whitening). To follow this tutorial, you must already know some Photoshop basics: working with layers, making simple selections, and using basic tools. If you wish to work on the same image, you can download it here.

Step 1: general adjustments
As with any photograph, before you get into detailed retouching you should fix the general flaws: in lighting. For more tips on how to adjust general digital photography problem, visit this tutorial.
In this case, our image has an obvious overexposure problem on the girl’s blouse, but this is beyond the scope of this tutorial, where we will focus only on the face
Let’s open the shadows a little: go to Image > Adjustments > Shadows/Highlights and fill in the settings from the image below.
We recovered more details from the shadows, but we lost the depth and the picture appears flat. Go to Image > Adjustments > Exposure and fill in the settings below.This way we get some depth in the shadows (but don’t overdo it, especially on low resolution images, because you will easily blocky areas of plain black).
Next, let’s adjust the Curves to obtain a better contrast and more volume (Ctrl + M and draw a curve like in the picture below).
The picture already looks much better than the original, so let’s take it further into the retouching.
Step 2: cleaning the skin
Cleaning the skin is usually done with a combination of the clone tool and the healing brush. The main difference between the two is that the healing brush preserves the texture of the skin better. The clone tool keeps the texture exactly only when used with a hard-edged brush, which is not something you want to do when retouching the skin. The healing brush doesn’t work all the time (especially in areas close to edges ), that’s why the best thing to do is to use the combination with the clone tool.
When retouching skin, you want to keep as much of the texture as possible. Some beginners love to use the blur tool (or even a filter like Surface Blur) to smooth the skin, but this will only give it a plastic, artificial look. Also, when retouching areas like the shadows under the eyes, or wrinkles – don’t overdo it! It’s best to keep your retouching into a separate layer so you can adjust the opacity and find the most natural look.
So, create a new layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N) on top of your background and hit the J key for your healing brush tool (or S for the cloning tool). In the options bar at the top, make sure that the Sample option is set to Current & Below. Basically, use the healing brush to clear blemishes, freckles, imperfections on skin, and use the clone tool (at low opacity, I usually start around 25-30%) to lighten the areas under the eyes, to smooth wrinkles, to soften sharp shadow edges. In our case, the model’s skin is not too bad, so the retouching will be minimal.
Clean up the acne marks spot by spot, the freckles on her nose and the loose strands of hair with the healing brush. Then lighten up the shadows under the eyes with the clone tool, on a separate layer. I used a soft brush around 20 px large, at 20%. While at it, soften the line of the shadow under her chin. Then, on a separate layer, with the healing brush, try to bring back some of the texture of the skin. The advantage of having these retouchments on separate layers is that you can erase parts you don’t want and alter the opacity so you can get the most natural look. Here’s my result:
Step 3: brightening the eyes
Bringing out the eyes will make the difference between a dull portrait and a one that captivates the viewer. Professional photographers use careful lighting to catch the vibrancy of the eyes, but you can use your retouching skills to enhance the glance of your subject.
In our portrait here, the model’s eyes are pretty much shaded and in desperate need for some brightness. However, keep in mind that, again, moderation is key: do not whiten too much the white of the eyes because it will look unnatural!
Let’s start by selecting each eye from the original picture. You can use the polygonal lasso, although I recommend for most selections the pen tool. If you use the pen tool, outline the shape of the eye and then load the shape as a selection and, while on the background layer, hit CTRL + J to copy the selection in a new layer. If you use the lasso, hit CTRL + J when you’re done (same effect as above). Do the same for each eye.
(For the basic use of the pen tool for selections – without knowing Bezier curves – see a tutorial I wrote a while ago and posted on my fine art website: Cutting and blending techniques. Here it is.
We will use these layers to adjust the white of the eyes. But before that, let’s select the pupils and paste the on their own layers (on top of the eyes layers). You can select them from the original layer or from the new eyes layers. Don’t forget to label your layers accordingly and to organize them in groups!
Now, for each of the eyes layer, go Image > Adjustments > Brightness & Contrast and set the Brightness to +20. You may notice now some red specks on the whites, which you can clone out with the clone tool.
Now, select the pupils’ layers and repeat the Brightness & Contrast adjustment, but this time with much higher parameters (brightness 90/ contrast 60, or just experiment until you like the result).
The eyes have improved a lot, but we got some red artifacts is the pupils, which we can get rid of easily. Select the layer of the left pupil and hit Ctrl + U to bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog. From the Edit drop-down choose Reds and use the following settings: Hue: +15, Saturation: -32, Lightness: 0. This way, we shifted the reds towards a green hue. Hit Enter to apply the settings. Then, select the other pupil’s layer and hit Ctrl + Alt + U. This combination will bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog with the settings last used already filled in, so you can just hit Enter and you’re done!
(Tip: use the Alt key in combination with other shortcuts for Adjustments or even for Filters, to start with the settings last used instead of the default settings).
There are more enhancements that can be done to the eyes (like painting in catch lights and shadows), but for now we’ll stop here and move on to the next step.
Step 4: whitening the teeth
Unless you’ve just come from a whitening session at your dentist, anyone could use some post-processing teeth whitening. There is an easy way to give this girl a brighter smile: select the teeth and paste them into their own layer. I useed, as usual, the pen tool (but you can use the polygonal lasso if you wish).
Once you have the teeth in their own layer, hit Ctrl + U just like before and select to edit the Yellows this time. You don’t want to reduce the Saturation (it will only make them look grey), but to increase the Lightness (+45). Since they still look too dark, select the Reds in the Edit dropdown and increase the Lightness to +30. Be careful not to make them look grey! Hit Ok and then go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and up the Brightness to +12. Then hit S to grab your clone tool and clone out the too bright spots (zoom in closely).
Step 5: further improvements
There’s much more that you could do to improve this portrait, but it extends beyond the scope of this tutorial. For instance, her skin appears too dark on the lower half of the photo. Then, I would get rid of the shadow on the wall that you can see along her arms. In fact, a completely new background would be even better. The hot spot on her shirt could be fixed by cloning fabric from the other side. The scarf could use a more saturated red. And so on… We’re a long way from a magazine cover, but also a long way from the initial shot.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS6

Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS6
Understanding Adobe Photoshop CS6
P--hpit Pr-ss (July 2012) | ISBN: 0321834623 | PDF + EPUB | 320 pages | 142.7 MB

Photoshop is the foundation of every digital career. Many users think they know it, but in truth they have gaping holes in their training. This book covers what a professional truly needs to know about Photoshop. For students this book offers a chance to explore the program interactively. For professionals it provides a chance to add to their skill base. The book cuts though the clutter and is unique, focusing not just on digital photography, but also the Web, graphic design, and video.

Readers will learn the essentials in correcting, editing, sharpening, retouching, and presenting photos as well as work on specific projects/exercises. Coverage of exciting C6 features includes: Content Aware Move, Blur Gallery, Video Editing, Nondestructive Cropping, Text Styles, Oil Paint, and many performance enhancements and shortcuts.

The full-color book includes hand-on exercises and practice images as well as 109 new video training tutorials that expand on the lessons in the book.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Digital Imaging Fundamentals
Chapter 2. Photoshop’s Interface
Chapter 3. Acquiring Digital Images
Chapter 4. Sizing Digital Images
Chapter 5. Selection Tools and Techniques
Chapter 6. Painting and Drawing Tools
Chapter 7. Layer Masking
Chapter 8. Compositing with Layers
Chapter 9. Using Blending Modes
Chapter 10. Color Correction and Enhancement
Chapter 11. Repairing and Improving Photos
Chapter 12. Using the Type Tool
Chapter 13. Layer Styles
Chapter 14. Maximizing Filters
Chapter 15. Actions and Automation
Chapter 16. Printing, PDF, and Specialized File Types




Sunday, 23 September 2012

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium | 5.7GB

MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium - the new generation of video editing - powerful, fast and efficient. Along with all the benefits of Plus version, the Premium version includes an extensive selection of exclusive bonus programs and cinematic special effects. Turn your PC into a fully equipped studio editing.

Language : english/Russian
Type of medicine: patch (by KHG-TEAM)

The main advantages:
- High-quality special effects, cinematic templates and blank
- Full support Stereo3D
- Advanced audio recording: Dolby Digital 5.1
- Full support for HD: for HDV and AVCHD camcorders
- 99 tracks, MultiCam editing, travel route animation, etc.
- Edit video quality TV, mobile or Web formats

Premium version contains:
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium
NEW! NewBlueFX Video Essential IV
NEW! Digieffects Phenomena
NEW! proDAD Adorage 13
NEW! MotionStudios Vasco da Gama 6.50 HD Professional

High-performance video engine:
- New features DirectX11 for wider use of GPU
- GPU-ported to numerous effects: auto exposure, auto color, RGB Controllers
- Optimization of the various effects when rendering
- New option to manually select the graphics module (DirectX9 and DirectX11) with intelligent pre-selection
- Smooth change the shutter
- Improvement of switching from video memory to the main memory using GPU

Improvements editing:
- New mode when entering text to provide the specified layout area
- Quick start line in an option
- Handle the monitor in a convenient, small and big names
- Processing Performance Positioning
- Presentation of the font to favorites
- Easy and accurate sample text with the mouse wheel
- In the development patterns
- Go button for quick processing of the series title on the track
- The name of the settings can be applied to the selection of several name
- It is easier to track and view the object in the economy coupled with Video-/Audio-Objekten
- System tab films all opened in the project
- Edit menu in the menu movie file management and tabs
- Fast access to view, crop and import media pool
- Switch to preview the quality of the monitor
- Preview HD quality material default "half resolution" for better viewing performance and intelligent adaptation logic

Advanced features for viewing rendering:
- Faster rendering
- Improved detection of changes in the field of pre-rendered
- Support in Stereo3D projects
- Support projects in Multicam
- Improved performance when playing on very old systems, and better performance without manual adjustment by switching the format of the MXV
- Faster import video files in both resistance / O, and the quick access, and on the File menu
- Fast transfer files in the current preview for a smooth flow of the process during the screening material

Several enhancements to H.264-based formats, variable frame rate, such as the Smartphone video:
- Improved performance
- No clay, containing more than necessary (faster than imports and less space)
- The possibility of further training to avoid errors, and thus, a more accurate representation
Play / Export standard frame rate
- Sync audio objects
- Auto-trimming import source files to correct, as a means to combat black / with broken frames at the beginning / end

Extension for export to H.264 with hardware acceleration:
- Support for systems with Intel Quick Sync Video
- Automatic selection of a suitable encoder module for hardware acceleration of exports (NVIDIA CUDA, AMD / OpenCL and Intel Quick Sync Video)
- Support for hardware acceleration of exports to other profiles sensor devices such as presets
- Export without possibility weiterfuehrende configuration can be further accelerated, running
- New version of MainConcept sensor components with various improvements more
- Interlaced video processing clips QuickTime, as well as export the Timeline

Extensive compatibility imports:
- Olympus OM-D
- Various PCM-based export formats H.264 video
- Enhanced support for different color codes in materials H.264
- Improving the quality of the cut-off keying in an anti-spill function and range of color management
- Instant download capabilities in a cloud of telecommunications

Product support Xara Designer
- To create static and animated masks effect
- Development of vector graphics (pictures, logos, etc.) and applying animation
- Functions for drawing directly on the video of the movie time Edit Pro
- Use of the travel route animation, the glare of geotagged photos
- Certification for "AVCHD Progressive"
- New original movies
- New intro / epilogue

System requirements:
Supported operating systems
Microsoft ® Windows ® 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft ® Windows ® Vista © (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft ® Windows ® XP (32-bit)

Minimum system requirements
All MAGIX programs are developed with user-friendliness in mind so that all the basic features run smoothly and can be fully controlled, even on low-performance computers. Check your operating system's control panel for technical information about your computer.

Processor: Dual core processor with 2.0 GHz
Graphics card: Onboard graphics card with a minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
Sound card: Internal sound card
Hard disk memory: 2 GB free disk space for program installation
Optical drive: DVD drive (only for installing the box version)

Recommended System Requirements
Some advanced program functions demand more of your computer's processing power. To use these features fully, your system should at least meet the following recommended requirements. Check your operating system's control panel for technical information about your computer.

System requirements for HD and Stereo3D editing
Processor: Intel ® Core ™ 2 Quad-core processor with 2.83 GHz (Intel ® Core ™ i7 recommended)
or AMD ® Quad-core processor with 2.8 GHz
Graphics card: Dedicated graphics card with 512 MB VRAM or more
For accelerated AVCHD output: NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 8000 Series and better (CUDA ™) or AMD ® Radeon ™ 5000 Series
and better (OpenCL ™) or integrated graphics with Intel ® Quick Sync Video
Sound card: Multi-channel sound card recommended for surround sound editing
Optical drive: Blu-ray burner for creating your own Blu-ray Discs ™

System requirements for 3D playback
Red / cyan glasses required for anaglyph 3D display.
A special monitor is needed for viewing with polarized filter glasses.
A 120 Hz monitor or a projector as well as compatible shutter glasses and graphics card are required for shutter playback.

Supported file formats & devices

Supported import formats
Video: AVI, DV-AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MTS, M2TS, MXV, MJPEG, QuickTime ®, WMV (HD), VOB, MKV
Audio: WAV, MP3, OGG, WMA, MIDI, Dolby ® Digital Stereo/5.1 (downmix to stereo)

Supported export formats
Video: AVI, DV-AVI, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, QuickTime ®, WMV (HD)
Audio: WAV, MP3
Images: JPEG, BMP

Supported devices
FireWire interface: for use with DV / HDV camcorders
USB interface: for use with HD camcorders, cameras, digital video recorders and webcams
Video, TV, or graphics cards with a video input for digitizing analog sources
TV tuner and DVB T / S tuner cards for recording TV streams
Optical drives: Blu-ray, DVD-R/RW, DVD + R / RW, DVD-RAM, or CD-R/RW burner

** 98 test wins refers to the following versions of MAGIX Movie Edit Pro (Plus and Premium): 18, 17, 16, 15, 2007/2008, 2007, 2006/2007, 2006, 2005/2006, 2005, 2004/2005 , 2004, 2003/2004, 2.0. Test wins from other countries refer to the country-specific version.

Online services offered in the program and the online update feature require an Internet connection.
For copyright reasons MPEG-4, MPEG-2 and Dolby ® Digital Stereo must first be activated for free.
Windows Media ® Player version 10 or higher must be installed in order to export MP3s.

The procedure for treatment:
1. Set Movie_Edit_Pro_2013_Premium_DLV_en-II_120824_12-31_12_0_0_32 (Folder 1. Install)
2. Patches (folder 2. Medicine)
3. Update Vdlx2013_Premium_update_setup.exe (folder 3. Update - Vdlx2013_Premium_update_12.0.1.4 - product)
4. Activate the Russian Lang:
Local_ru_II.cfg copy the folder "4. Rus" - "Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium" in the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MAGIX \ Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium \ Language (or make a copy of the file from the folder local_en_II.cfg "Language "rename to local_ru_II.cfg, open notepad and text DLLName = # PROGNAME # _EN.dll replaced by EN RU.)
Copy the folder "4. Rus" - "Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium" - "RegModule" files MxExp_ru.dll, MxMcMpeg_ru.dll, MxMp3s_ru.dll, mxmpeg4_ru.dll, MxQtm_ru.dll folder "RegModule" C: \ Program Files (x86) \ MAGIX \ Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium \ RegModule (or make copies of the files installed by replacing en ru)
Copy the folder "4. Rus" - "Movie Edit Pro 2013 Premium" file DVDMaker_RU.dll (or a copy of the deaem DVDMaker_EN.dll replaced by EN RU).
Run the program and in the File menu vyberaem second language and restart the interface changes to Russian)

Buy a Premium Account Extabit or Rapidgator = High speed+parallel downloads!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x86) Integrated September 2012

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x86) Integrated September 2012
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x86) Integrated September 2012 | 2.53 GB

This is the original Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (32-bit) ISO from Microsoft. Including Microsoftupdates till 14.09.2012 and internet Expl0rer 9.

- This release is the best you could find on the net, because it's just simple:

* NO tweaks or add-ons.
* NO additional programs and software added.
* NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
* It's just the original image from M!cr0$Oft except updates and IE9!

- System requirements:

* 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor.
* 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM.
* 16 GB available hard disk space.
* DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.

- Homepage:

M!cr0$Oft W!nd0ws 7

- Hashes of ISO file:

* CRC32: 48ABB9EA
* MD5: D07C31060525381ADEA651E55F0B2008
* SHA-1: 08C4E56F61FDCC7BF66794ECE9C7E7A977664F44

- Instructions:

1) Extract compressed files.
2) Burn ISO file into a DVD with MINIMAL speed.
3) Install as normal. When asked for a key leave it empty.
4) After the system is ready use Windows Loader to activate.


Mirror 1:

Mirror 2:

Monday, 17 September 2012

Advanced Windows Xp Trip n Tricks

Add album art to any music folder
Contributed by Richard Davidson and Brian DonovanThis is easily my favorite tip! One of the coolest new features in Windows XP is its album thumbnail generator, which automatically places the appropriate album cover art on the folder to which you are copying music (generally in WMA format). But what about those people that have already copied their CDs to the hard drive using MP3 format? You can download album cover art from sites such as or, and then use the new Windows XP folder customize feature to display the proper image for each folder. But this takes time--you have to manually edit the folder properties for every single folder--and you will lose customizations if you have to reinstall the OS. There's an excellent fix, however.

When you download the album cover art from the Web, just save the images as folder.jpg each time and place them in the appropriate folder. Then, Windows XP will automatically use that image as the thumbnail for that folder and, best of all, will use that image in Media Player for Windows XP (MPXP) if you choose to display album cover art instead of a visualization. And the folder customization is automatic, so it survives an OS reinstallation as well. Your music folders never looked so good!

Album cover art makes music folder thumbnails look better than ever!
UPDATE: In addition to the folder.jpg file mentioned above, you can also optionally create a smaller version of the image called albumartsmall.jpg, if desired. This is the image used to display album art in MPXP when its sized so that the display area is smaller than 200 x 200 pixels, and in the folder thumbnails for folders that contain album folders. If you don't create albumartsmall.jpg, however, Windows XP will automatically scale folder.jpg in these cases.
Automatically defrag drives with a new context menu item!
Contributed by Doug Knox
Create a new Registry import file named context_defrag.inf in Notepad (be sure to save with it with the Save as type set to All Files and not Text Documents) and place the following text inside:

; context_defrag.INF

; Adds Defrag to the right click context menu in Windows XP




HKCR,"Drive\Shell\Defrag\command",,,"DEFRAG.EXE %1"

Then, right-click and choose Install. This will add a context menu to XP that allows you to automatically defrag drives, using the command line version of the built-in defragmentation utility. To use it, navigate to a drive in My Computer, right-click, and choose Defrag. A command line window will appear, and that drive will be defragged. When it's complete, the window just disappears.
UPDATE: To remove this functionality, Open regedit.exe and navigate to the following location:
Then delete the Defrag folder and close Regedit.
Add/Remove optional features of Windows XP
Contributed by Ong Choon Keong and Hans Breemer
I first mentioned this technique in an old Technology Showcase for Windows 2000, but it still works in Windows XP, and can be quite useful: For some reason, Microsoft has removed the ability to specify which Windows components you want to install during interactive Setup, and when you go into Add/Remove Windows Components in the Control Panel, you still don't have the full list of applications and applets you can add and remove. Thankfully, this is easy to fix.

To dramatically expand the list of applications you can remove from Windows XP after installation, navigate to C:\WINDOWS\inf (substituting the correct drive letter for your version of Windows) and open the sysoc.inf file. Under Windows XP Professional Edition, this file will resemble the following by default:
[Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$"

IndexSrv_System = setupqry.dll,IndexSrv,setupqry.inf,,7
TerminalServer=TsOc.dll, HydraOc, TsOc.inf,hide,2


The entries that include the text hide or HIDE will not show up in Add/Remove Windows Components by default. To fix this, do a global search and replace for ,hide and change each instance of this to , (a comma). Then, save the file, relaunch Add/Remove Windows Components, and tweak the installed applications to your heart's content.

Cool, eh? There are even more new options now under "Accessories and Utilities" too.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Make your Windows XP look like Windows 7

Let's say you really love how Windows 7 looks. But you don't have money to buy a copy or you do not wish to part from your sturdy, loyal Windows XP workhorse. No problem. Today, I will show you how you can make your Windows XP look smarter, sharper, cooler, more modern, all for free and about 10-15 minutes of your time.
There are millions of desktop customization and tweaking articles all over the Web. I will hardly be reinventing the wheel. Therefore, to make things simpler, I will refer to several popular and useful sources that served as an inspiration for this article, as well as provide you with a wealth of links and resources to even more customization and beautification guides. Let us begin.


Get the tools!

For this, you will need to go to, Tweaking with Vishal, where you will find detailed instructions how to get your Windows XP transformed into art-deco post-nuevo thingamajig.
There are several themes available, I will use the SevenVG Black RTM theme, with the Windows 7 superbar. Alternatively, you can go for Normal taskbar, as well as use the standard theme. The guide also offers additional tweaks, including icons, boot screen, welcome screen, cursors, taskbar, wallpaper, shutdown, system properties, and other elements. Download the theme, but don't run it just yet.

Patch system to allow non-Microsoft themes

Before you can use a theme that has not been digitally signed by Microsoft, you will have to run the UXtheme Patcher, to override this. The link provided is for Windows XP SP3. There's a separate utility for Windows XP SP2, so please pay attention.

Patch theme

Install & Apply theme

After running the utility, reboot for the changes to take effect. Once the system comes up, you can apply the downloaded theme, in our case SevenVG Black RTM.

Install theme

After the theme is installed, your desktop will look something like this:


Start menu

Decent, but nothing special yet. We can definitely improve it a bit.

Further customization

In addition to many suggestions offered in the original article, you may want to try a few more tweaks. For example, change the wallpaper, place the Quicklaunch bar on the far right as a vertical bar and use large icons, add the Address bar to the top of the panel, so you have a sort-of-integrated search-run applet always available, and change the fonts. How about that? Maybe not the brightest idea in the world, but it could work.
Which is exactly what I did ... Something like this:


Search zoomed

Or perhaps:



Use Styler for extra tweaks

You may also want to try Styler to make your desktop even prettier. Styler is included with the theme, so you just need to run the installer and follow the instructions.



Styler will let you use additional tweaks, like shadows, font type ad contrast, icon spacing, hiding desktop icons for minimal clutter, and more. For example:



Keep on playing until you get the desired results:

Another desktop

Here's the Taskbar, with several windows open. I'm not using the Superbar feature, which I do not find that intuitive or productive. If you don't like the Taskbar size, you can use the theme offering the slimmer, normal-sized one.

The Control Panel:
Control Panel

Here's what Firefox feels like:


Reasonably lovely, ain't it? Not the actual style, the hack.


Now, several great resources to help you in your artistic quest. Some of the articles refer to Windows XP, others are for Windows 7. Whatever the case, you will find many links and cross-references to other useful tools, tips and tricks for better and more stylish visualization.

Windows 7 desktop customization guide (my own, another article)
AskVG (the one Windows theming, skinning, customization site to rule them all)
Aerosnap (Aero for Windows XP)
Visual Tooltip (shows thumb previews of open windows like Opera)
Windows 7 themes (thread on Wilders Security forums, with many useful links)
Windows 7 - The new XP (thread on Wilders Security forums, with many useful links)


If you see no reason in switching to Windows 7 and would still like to impress your divorced neighbor, then you now have the tools to make your aging Windows XP look posh and nobby.
Using the available themes and additional utilities, Windows XP can be given a complete visual makeover to make it virtually indistinguishable from the newer Windows releases. While the Embedded, Royale and Royale Noir themes for Windows XP are already great, slick, rounded, soft, and precise, you now have an whole new repertoire of bells and whistles to show off.
Whether you keep on using Windows XP or move on is entirely up to you. But if you don't want to be forced, you have the option to make your Windows XP look any which way. Hopefully, you've liked my article. For an artistically challenged oldtimer, I believe I've done a rather decent job polishing up the desktop, dontcha think?

Monday, 10 September 2012

Windows 7 installation how-to, step by step

Performing a New Installation of Windows 7

The three basic types of clean installation procedures are as follows:

• Install on a brand new disk or computer system
• Erase the disk, format it, and install
• Install into a new directory for dual-booting (see the multiboot discussion later)

If you intend to use either of the first two methods, be sure your computer can boot from a DVD (most newer computers support booting from a DVD drive). Doing so might require changing the drive boot order in the BIOS or CMOS, but try it first as-is. With no floppy disk inserted and a clean hard disk, try the DVD drive next. The Windows 7 DVD is bootable and should run the Setup program automatically.
Installation takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the speed of your machine. Refer to the following sections if you have questions about any steps in this process.
Note: Windows 7 automatically applies the NTFS format to any disk partition upon which it is installed during a clean installation.

Typical Clean Setup Procedure

If you're installing into an empty partition and you can boot an operating system that is supported for the purpose of Setup (Windows Vista or XP), just boot up, insert the DVD and choose Install Now from the resulting dialog box. Then you can follow the installation step-by-step procedure.
If Windows doesn't detect the DVD automatically upon insertion, you must run the Setup program, setup.exe, from the Start, Run dialog box (after opening the Run dialog box, type D:/setup.exe; on Vista use the Start menu Search box instead [using the corect letter for your DVD drive if it isn't D]). The setup.exe application is located in the Sources directory on the DVD. After the Setup routine starts, you can follow the installation procedure step by step.
If your computer has a blank hard disk or your current OS isn't supported, this process changes. You must launch the installation process from the Windows 7 DVD (this works only if you can boot from the DVD drive). Setup automatically runs if you boot from the DVD.
Yet another setup method involves the network. To initiate a network installation, you must create a network share of the distribution DVD or a copy of the DVD on a hard drive. The destination system must have network access, and the user account must have at least read access to the installation files. Initiate Setup by executing setup.exe from the network share. For example, from the Start, Run command, or the Vista Start menu Search box, type this path: \\\ \sources\Setup. Setup recognizes an over-the-network installation and automatically copies all files from the network share to the local system before the first reboot.
Tip: All versions of Windows 7, 32- or 64-bit, are included on the same DVD. The product key that you enter during setup determines which actual version of Windows 7 you end up with after the installation completes. Keep your Windows 7 DVD and product key in a safe location after you've performed your installation. It's useful for repairs of all kinds.
Next: Clean install from DVD, step by step
Windows 7 installation screen
Installing Windows 7 from an existing Windows installation.

Clean Install from DVD, Step by Step

A typical clean installation (on a blank hard disk) step-by-step procedure is as follows:

1. Insert the Windows 7 DVD into your computer's DVD-ROM drive, and restart the computer. Windows 7 Setup should start automatically. If Setup does not start automatically, ensure that your computer is configured to boot from the DVD drive.

2. You are asked to select regional options for the Windows 7 installation. Make your selections and click Next to continue.

3. In the next dialog box, you are prompted to start the installation. Click Install Now to begin the installation. This produces a screen that tells you that Setup is starting.

4. In the Software License Terms dialog box, ensure that you read and understand the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA). When you're ready, select the I Accept the License Terms option and click Next to continue.

5. In the Which Type of Installation Do You Want? dialog box, shown in Figure 2.10, you can select only the Custom (Advanced) option because you're performing a new installation on a blank hard disk. Click Custom (Advanced) to continue.

6. In the Where Do You Want to Install Windows? dialog box, select the partition onto which you'll install Windows 7. When you're ready to proceed, click Next. If you need to provide a RAID or SCSI driver, now is the time to do it.

7. The Installing Windows dialog box appears and gives you an updated status of the upgrade process.

8. After some time, your computer restarts and the newly installed Windows 7 loads. Windows 7 resumes the installation process. Before the restart, a warning appears.

9. After the restart, you'll see a notification telling you that Windows 7 is preparing the new installation. Windows 7 moves back into a graphical display after a few minutes and tells you it's updating Registry settings and starting services, after which it lets you know it's completing the installation.

10. After completing the installation, Windows 7 asks you to provide a username and a computer name. After providing this information, click Next to continue.

Note: Always choose a computer name that is unique. It must differ from any other computer, workgroup, or domain names on the network. You'll probably want to enter your name or a name of your own choice, although Setup supplies a recommendation. You might want to coordinate naming your computer with your LAN administrator, if you have one.

Next: Clean install from DVD cont. 

Windows 7 installation options Figure 2.10: For new installations, only the Custom (Advanced) option is available

11. In the next dialog box, you are asked to supply a password for your user account (which you must reenter as a double-check) and a password hint to help you remember that string. After making your selections, click Next to continue.

12. In the Type Your Windows Product Key dialog box, enter the product key that came with your Windows 7 DVD. I recommend that you leave the Automatically Activate Windows When I'm Online option checked to take care of Windows Product Activation within the three days after the Windows 7 installation. After entering this information, click Next to continue.
You can also leave the Product Key box blank. If you do this, you'll be asked which version of Windows 7 you want to install, and you can select any version from Starter to Ultimate. You'll have to provide a valid product key, however, within 30 days for whatever version you install or else Windows 7 will nag you regularly and often about registration. (If you install a slip-streamed copy of Windows 7 Service Pack 1, or use the Windows Update service to upgrade to SP-1, you'll be reminded to register rather than receiving constant nags.)
You can use the no-key method to play around with different versions of Windows 7, but be careful if you select a version for which you don't have a key; you must perform a clean install every time you reinstall Windows 7, and you must eventually install a version for which you have a license, or erase it. You'll lose your applications and data every time you reinstall.

Caution: You should definitely not play with alternate versions if you are upgrading from an older version of Windows. After the first such install, there's no way to go back and repeat the upgrade with your licensed version of Windows 7.
13. In the Help Protect Your Computer and Improve Windows Automatically dialog box, you configure the base security for Windows 7. In most cases, you should select Use Recommended Settings. To make your selection, click it.

14. In the Review Your Time and Date Settings dialog box, select your time zone, daylight savings option, and current date options. Click Finish to complete the upgrade process.

15. In the Select Your Computer's Current Location dialog box, shown in Figure 2.17, tell Windows where you'll be using your computer. As with Windows Vista, Windows 7 configures your network adapters for DHCP and does not ask you what to do.

16. Windows prompts you one last time-after you click Start, you're finished with the installation.

17. After a few more minutes, you are finally presented with your brand new Windows 7 login screen, as shown in Figure 2.18. Congratulations, you've completed the installation of Windows 7!
Tip: If you plan to perform a clean installation on your computer that is currently running some earlier Windows version, be sure to get your data and other files off the computer beforehand. You can perform this process manually, or you can opt to use Windows Easy Transfer to automatically copy all your files and settings to an external hard drive or network location. After the clean installation of Windows 7 has completed, you can run Windows Easy Transfer again to reload your files and settings on the new installation of Windows 7.

Next: Clean install from inside Windows, step by step 

Windows 7 location setup
Figure 2.17: The different location choices correspond to different levels of security on your Windows 7 computer.
Windows 7 log-inscreen
Figure 2.18: The Windows 7 login screen is much different than previous versions.

Clean Install from Inside Windows, Step by Step

If you initiate the Setup routine from within Windows XP or Windows Vista, the step-by-step procedure is as follows:

1. Insert the Windows 7 DVD into your computer's DVD-ROM drive. It should AutoPlay and present the Install Windows dialog box. If not, locate and double-click the setup.exe program in the Sources folder on the DVD.

2. To download, install, and use the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, click the Check Compatibility Online link. Otherwise, to begin the in-place upgrade to Windows 7, click the Install Now link.

3. In the Get Important Updates for Installation dialog box, you are asked whether you want to download updates to the Windows 7 install files. Typically, for computers that have an active Internet connection, you're better off getting the updates. Make your selection by clicking it.

4. In the Please Read the License Terms dialog box, ensure that you read and understand the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA). When you're ready, select the I Accept the License Terms option and click Next to continue.

5. In the Type Your Product Key for Activation dialog box, you are asked to enter your Windows 7 product key. Enter the key and ensure that the Automatically Activate Windows When I'm Online option is checked, to enable Windows Product Activation. After entering the product key, click Next to continue.

6. In the Which Type of Installation Do You Want? dialog box, shown previously in Figure 2.10, select Custom (Advanced) because you're performing a clean installation here on top of an existing Windows XP installation.

7. In the Where Do You Want to Install Windows? dialog box, shown in Figure 2.20, select the partition onto which you'll install Windows 7. When you're ready to proceed, click Next.

8. The Setup application warns you that the selected partition contains files from another Windows installation, as shown in Figure 2.21. After you read this information, click OK to continue.

9. The Installing Windows dialog box appears and updates the status for the upgrade process.

10. From here, the rest of the process is just like that for a clean installation (on a blank hard disk) above, starting with step 9. After some time, your computer restarts and the newly installed Windows 7 loads.
Next: Multibooting Windows 

Windows 7 partitions
Figure 2.20: You need to select an existing partition for the installation of Windows 7.
Windows 7 setup
Figure 2.21: Windows 7 Setup moves all your old Windows files to a new directory - you must delete that directory later to reclaim that disk space.


Multibooting Windows 7

In today's world of advanced OSs and low hard-disk prices, it certainly is not unusual for some users to experiment with different OSs. The world of consumer computing is ripe with many options. Along with just plain curiosity and experimentation, here are other good reasons to switch among or between OSs:

• Many users use two or more OSs because of application-compatibility issues. Hardware support issues occur, too: Windows 2000 and Windows XP might have drivers for older hardware that Windows 7 doesn't support.

• Some users want to run specific applications or games in an optimal environment for their use.

• A developer might swap among Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, and maybe even several different versions of Windows 7, to test application compatibility.

Multibooting Windows 7

In today's world of advanced OSs and low hard-disk prices, it certainly is not unusual for some users to experiment with different OSs. The world of consumer computing is ripe with many options. Along with just plain curiosity and experimentation, here are other good reasons to switch among or between OSs:
• Many users use two or more OSs because of application-compatibility issues. Hardware support issues occur, too: Windows 2000 and Windows XP might have drivers for older hardware that Windows 7 doesn't support.
• Some users want to run specific applications or games in an optimal environment for their use.
• A developer might swap among Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, and maybe even several different versions of Windows 7, to test application compatibility.

To create a multiboot installation on a computer that already has Windows Vista installed, follow this procedure. These steps are quite similar to the clean install procedure described earlier.
1. Insert the Windows 7 DVD into your computer's DVD-ROM drive. It should AutoPlay and present the Install Windows dialog box. If not, locate the setup.exe program in the Sources folder on the DVD, and double-click it.
(Alternatively, you can restart your computer and boot from the DVD.)
2. To download, install, and use the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, as detailed previously, click the Check Compatibility Online link. Otherwise, to begin the in-place upgrade to Windows 7, click the Install Now link.
3. In the Get Important Updates for Installation dialog box, you are asked whether you want to download updates to the Windows 7 install files. Typically, for computers that have an active Internet connection, you are better off getting the updates. Make your selection by clicking it.
4. In the Please Read the License Terms dialog box, ensure that you read and understand the End User Licensing Agreement (EULA). When you're ready, select the I Accept the License Terms option, and click Next to continue.
5. In the Type Your Product Key for Activation dialog box, you are asked to enter your Windows 7 product key. Enter the key and ensure that the Automatically Activate Windows When I'm Online option is checked, to enable Windows Product Activation. After entering the product key, click Next to continue.
6. In the Which Type of Installation Do You Want? dialog box, select Custom (Advanced) because here you're performing a clean, multiboot installation of Windows 7, not an upgrade.
7. In the Where Do You Want to Install Windows? dialog box, shown in Figure 2.24, select the partition into which you'll install Windows 7. This must be a partition that does not already have a version of Windows installed on it. When you're ready to proceed, click Next.
8. Follow the rest of the procedure described previously under Typical Clean Setup Procedure, from step 6 on through the end.
9. If you plan on installing another version of Windows 7 on this same computer, you'll want to rename the current version's title in the boot menu.
10. You can check out the new Windows 7 boot menu, shown in Figure 2.25, on the next restart of your computer.
See more tips, reviews, features and latest news about Windows 7.
Windows 7 partitions
Figure 2.24: You must select an empty partition for multiboot installation of Windows 7.
Windows 7 boot menu
Figure 2.25: The Windows 7 boot menu has changed a lot from Windows XP but not much from Vista.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Phonex Hair Effect n Photoshop

With some simple brushing techniques, and a bit of color tweaking, you can spice up your photos with this flaming hair tutorial.
Phoenix Hair Effect
This effect relies on a good photo. You're going to a shot of some long hair, preferably flowing in the wind or tossed in the air. Blonde hair is going to work best, so if your model has darker locks, try changing it to blonde in Photoshop.
The majority of the work in this involves brushing the hair with the Smudge Tool. Use a grungy brush, with a small diameter and 50% strength to start. Begin towards the head and brush outwards, creating organic flowing movements.
Follow the hair's natural direction as shown in the illustration below (notice the wavy black strokes). Once you've touched every strand, duplicate your layer and use a larger diameter brush to go over the hair again. Be careful not to touch the ears or skin.
When your satisfied with your wispy hair, use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the hair -- you don't need to be exact here. Now Feather your selection by 15 pixels.
With your hair selected, bump up the brightness by +9, and the contrast by +41. These settings will vary depending on your image -- we're just trying to intensify the hair. Now comes the color correction. Make the hair glow by adding yellow shadows and highlights. Play with the settings until you've got your fire.
All of this fire will create heat, so take the Blur Tool and add some blurry spots to the edges of the face and neck.
For some final enhancements, use the brush tool with a bright yellow and feather in a few hot spots on a new layer. Blur this layer and change the Blending Mode to Overlay.

That should do it. Add an overall yellow hue to your final image and put on your shades!
Phoenix Hair Effect

Friday, 7 September 2012

Quick and Effective Facial Photo Retouching

Quick and Effective Facial Retouching

Quick and Effective Facial Photo Retouching

Whether it’s for a friend, family member, or client, retouching images is very common these days. In this tutorial, I will lay down the basics of retouching and take you through the entire process, layer by layer.

Sadly, I spent my money made from tutorials on ‘Long Island Iced Tea cocktails’ and therefore I am forced, yet again, to live in a box with a broadband connection and a computer. Therefore, I would like to thank Jean Scheijen for providing me with this beautiful free stock image. Free stock images, I love ‘em!
Here’s a before and after (just roll over the image to see the before):

Lastly, before we begin with the actual tutorial, I would like to show you my layer structure. For me, this setup works great. With this setup, I can navigate quickly through my layers and cut down on my work time. All of the layers will be discussed in the tutorial, so don’t worry if the scheme confuses you at the moment.

Step 1

We begin by duplicating the original layer, and with a combination of the Clone Stamp (S) Tool and the Healing Brush (J) Tool, try to remove all spots and blotches that we can find. In essence, we smooth out the skin this way and prepare it for the brushing. It is very important to use a soft brush when working like this, so that the end result blends better with the surrounding skin. If an area is hard to tackle, use the Clone Stamp Tool first and then blend the treated area with the healing brush.

Step 2

Symmetry is naturally attractive to human beings, and there are certain ‘lines’ that run across the face that when these are symmetrical, the subject seems to be more attractive to the eye. So let’s give our subject a little plastic surgery. Duplicate the layer, and using the Forward Warp Tool found in the liquefy gallery (Filter > Liquefy… or Shift+Ctrl+X), raise the area around the eyebrow just a little.

Step 3

Right now, we’ve come to the point where we can fiddle a bit with contrast, enhancing it further as we go. Let’s use a modification of a well-known technique called the ‘Angel face’ technique…at least, that is what I always call it. Again, duplicate your layer and then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and give this layer about a 8-10px blur. After this we set this layer to ‘Soft Light’. Since we do not want this effect to be visible everywhere, I added a Layer Mask and filled that with black, concealing the effect. Then I took a big white, soft, round brush set to around 30-50% Opacity and started brushing around the nose, cheeks, eyes, and hair to enhance their color. This effect can do miracles for blond hair since it can transform it from a dull yellow-ish color to a vibrant gold color.

Step 4

Now we’re going to focus on the actual airbrushing. This is a delicate process that requires a certain amount of patience and experience. Depending on your wishes or your client’s wishes you will have to decide how much airbrushing you want to apply. For instance, models in magazines and especially adult magazines are usually heavily airbrushed since they have to look ‘perfect’. On the other hand there are cases where you might just want to tweak the face by removing a few wrinkles or smoothing out the skin in a few places. For this reason, when I do the airbrushing, I generally do it over a few layers which gives me the option to switch layers on and off depending on how much texture I want to preserve in the end. On this image, I did the major airbrushing in two layers and merged them afterwards.
The trick is to use a low opacity (between 10 and 20 percent) soft brush. The color we pick comes from the image itself. When we pick the color, set the sample size of the Eyedropper Tool (I) to 51 by 51 pixels. If I remember correctly, this feature has only been available since CS2, so if you are using a version before that you will sample the color from a single pixel. Try to select an area where the skin is more or less smooth or set a flesh tone manually. Brush over an area multiple times and watch it become smoother.
The change is significant, especially around the nose area, and it is even more noticeable when the image is viewed on a much larger scale.

Step 5

After the airbrushing, let’s tweak the lips and the eyes. The lips have been slightly saturated using the same technique as in step 4, just pick a color from the lips instead. Then make a selection around the eyes and use ‘Layer via Copy’ (Ctrl+J), which can be found under Layer > New > Layer via Copy, to copy the selected part onto a new layer. Make sure this layer is on top at the moment. On the new layer, use the Dodge Tool with the settings shown below to lighten the iris.


Step 6

This is the final step before we apply our adjustment layers and bring this piece to life. In this step, we’re going to focus on the eyes a bit more, since these are very important in any portrait photograph.
1. Using a low opacity (15-20 percent) black brush, we enhance the make-up around the eyes. Don’t worry if the change seems small, it will pop as soon as we add those adjustment layers.
2. With the same technique as used in step 4, get rid of those wrinkles around the eyes. Yes, we all have them or we are going to have them, and yes, we all seem to hate them.
3. Finally, let’s desaturate the sclera (the white part of the eye). There are several ways to do this, but I believe that the easiest is simply to create a layer, select a white brush, and go around the white bit of the eye and set the mode of the layer to color. It’s quick, easy and gets the job done nicely.


Step 7

Time for the grand finale. This is the part where we make our picture stand out using the adjustment layers shown below. The adjustment might seem tiny but they make that crucial difference:
The levels and curves layers add contrast to the image as a whole and enrich the colors.

The brightness/contrast adjustment layer makes the make-up around the eyes and the lips pop out. As you can see, there’s a mask applied to the layer. It is entirely black (therefore hiding the effect) except for the area around the eyes and the lips.
The lip hue/saturation adjustment layer adds a vibrant pink color to the lips. Again a mask is applied to limit the effect strictly to the inner area of the lips.
And finally, another hue/saturation adjustment layer to slightly remove the warm shade from the face.

And well, did all of this make a difference? You decide:


Well there you go, a complete overhaul. Oh, and just in case there’s this voice in your head saying ‘Well, she looks too fake,’ send the image around to some friends and ask if they think that to. When you actually see the process take place, the person seems to look fake afterwards because you know what is wrong, but when you show the image to someone who doesn’t know it’s a Photoshopped image, you will get a completely different response. Download the PSD to see the larger image and you will appreciate the work even more (available via Plus Membership).
Have fun!