Thursday, 2 August 2012

 Computer Security Tutorial:

What is Spyware?

Broadly speaking, Spyware is something that sneaks on to your computer, usually with the intentions of extracting money from you. At its worst, Spyware can take control of your computer, directing you to web pages you didn't want to go to, downloading other nasty stuff in the background, and even harvesting email address, passwords and your credit card details. But even a mild case of Spyware infection can be nuisance.
If you've ever been plagued by annoying pop-ups when your computer loads, or have strange new icons where your clock is (bottom right, called the System Tray), or if you're directed to a strange webpage when you try to go on to the internet, then you may well be infected.
Spyware, in the main, gathers information about you and your online habits, and sends that information to third party. And all without asking for your permission!

Where does Spyware come from?

Spyware can come from a whole host of different sources. But Spyware mainly gets on to your PC through deception. For example, suppose you receive this email:

Email with potential Spyware
You'd assume that this email was sent to you in error. Can you resist clicking on the link? After all, what harm can it do? Well, a lot actually! There well may be a joke on the site, but there's something less funny going on in the background - the web page is trying to sneak something on to your PC! You may also have seen a harmless-looking popup window asking you to click a button to proceed. You'll click it anyway, just to get rid of it. Clicking OK is what's infected your PC!
Other sources of Spyware infection are freeware or shareware software, an operating system that is un-patched and hasn't got the latest security software, downloading stuff from peer-to peer applications - the list is long!
And don't think your Anti-Virus software will protect you - it won't! Spyware is not considered to be a virus, so your Anti-Virus software won't spring in to action once an infection takes place - it will stay sleeping in the background, unaware that anything malicious is going on. The best tool for the job is a dedicated Spyware Detection system.

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